Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Time flies

Well I can't believe it is almost November. Time is going by so fast. This fall we spent a lot of time in the field hunting. So far this year we have only been able to get my moose which was a blast. Brad is still hunting in Montana though so I hope he is able to get an elk or a deer or both. We are sad to see the hunting season come to an end, but can be excited for next year. Brad and I are both really excited for the snowmobiling season. Brad rides a Yamaha Apex and I hope I can get a new sled. I want a Yamaha phazer. We will see. This semester is coming to an end, and I am not sad about it one bit. I am so excited to graduate and be done with school. The time is going fast though.

1 comment:

The Gublers said...

Hey guys! It's good to hear from you! We're glad you have enjoyed your fall and hunting season. Is Brad back yet? Hopefully he gets his elk! Good luck. It is crazy how time flies, I woke up this morning and realized it's already November! We love you guys! Good luck finishing up the semester, Lindy!

Lindy's Elk hunt

Lindy's Elk hunt
Sepr 2010 limited entry elk hunt!!!

Memorial Day

Memorial Day
Grandpa's little fishing Buddy!!!

Fourth of July

Fourth of July
Cooper's first 4th. Cousin Demmek was making him laugh.

Cooper Bradley

Cooper Bradley
So precious!


In the wagon his Daddy made him1


Malli's first time swimming and she did great. We hadn't ever tried this with her and didn't really know what she would do. She really like this stick though. She also will go adn get her duck!


Malli's first ride in the rhino.

Brad's elk hunt 2009

Brad's elk hunt 2009

My Moose

My Moose
This is my once in a lifetime moose.

The Moosman Family in Montana

The Moosman Family in Montana
excluding Sadie who was with Nan